US Heart

One of my two hearts is under attack. Discover my political defibrillator.
I have two hearts; my American and my Swiss. My American heart has been under attack. The elections process, the Black Lives Matter movement and the Corona epidemic, have caused my heart to ache, to race, and to fill with anxiety. I need of a political defibrillator.
There has been so much reported, posted and written about the US politics.
Fear, outrage, protest, disbelief. I’ve heard, “Every folk deserves its leaders” and and and. I, like so many of you, received a library of YouTube videos in lightening speed. All, making fun of the American intelligence, our way of life and the downfall of the American Empire.
And then today, I received a mail from an American friend. No, not another incentive check. This mail was different. It allowed my heart to beat with pride and assurance that it can be strong again.
What magic remedy was in the mail? Three words that in my non scientific opinion, lay the American soul wide open. She said, “We love you.” That teeny weeny sentence, ladies and gentlemen, makes us, drives us, and gives us our energy. Being able to say those three words so generously and so easily sets us apart.
Saying those words is one thing, expressing them is something else. And Americans do.
Three years ago, two men were in my mom’s front yard. One cutting grass, the other edging. Someone else was cleaning the patio. Others brought tables, while a train of people were bringing food, drinks and desserts. Another neighbor was managing the entire process. My sister and I did nothing but grieve and dread the funeral. The cleanup crew was just as large and efficient. We were overwhelmed and grateful for everything. I didn't realize how much I have forgotten during my 30 years outside the States. I was amazed by all the hugs ending with, “Ya’ll know how much we love you girls”. It wasn’t just family, but friends and neighbors that expressed love so easily. And you know what? It is like medicine, it heals. And there isn’t any yucky after taste!
That is American. I have experienced it here with my American family in Switzerland and in the States. We step up without being asked. We cook, bring food, organize sitters, meals and visits. We are there for one another, friends, neighbors – even strangers. We don’t expect perfection, we simply want to help and do whatever is necessary – no questions asked.
And we do it with incredible energy and creativity. During my visit to the US last summer, a young teacher was diagnosed with Leukemia. His treatment caused him to miss too much school and he lost his job. Which means he also lost his insurance. The church stepped in and organized money through collections, visits and events.
The “Tater Auction” was my favorite and hit the bullseye on the creative scale. The best decorated taters (potatoes) were awarded votes in the form of dollars. Top dollar wins. OH no – we’re back to the election.
Despite the election results, I realize that this creative energy we share, will take us where we need to go.
Just a reminder to all you “foreigners” out there - we are NOT our politicians. We are individuals. Would you like us to reduce you to yours?
I would love to hear all of your reactions.
Copyright Vicki Gabathuler, 2020